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英语短笑话大全,英语短笑话大全 20字之内

发布时间:2024-01-23 11:04:44 笑话大全 0次 作者:04笑话网



  An instructor in chemical warfare asked soldiers in his class: Anyone knows the formula for water?

英语短笑话大全,英语短笑话大全 20字之内

  Sure. That's easy, said one man.

  What is it?

  H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O.

  What, what? reasked the instructor.

  H to O, explained the chemistry expert.




  H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O.


  H to O,化学专家解释道


While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full . "Mump umn Kmpfhm," was all I heard.

  "Drew," I scolded, "no one can understand a word you're saying.

  "He says he wants some ketchup," my husband said calmly . A woman sitting nearby leaned over and asked, "How in the world did you understand him?"

  "I'm a dentist," my husband explained

I'm not addicted to Wechat! You know, I just use it whenever I have time. Lunch time, break time, bed time, that time, this time, any time, all the time!

 I hate two-faced people.It's so hard to decide which face to slap first.

 When a woman says “WHAT?”, it’s not because she didn't hear you. She’s just giving you a chance to change what you said.


您好,1. 我英语没学好,每次去麦当劳点餐都是“麦辣鸡腿堡”和“可口可乐”两个字,其他的都听不懂。

2. 我跟老外聊天,他问我:“Do you have a girlfriend?”我回答:“No,I have a boyfriend。”他惊呆了,我解释:“I mean my friend who is a boy。”

3. 我在海外留学,第一天去超市买东西,看到一个标签写着“Buy one get one free”,我以为是“买一个送一个”,结果买了两个东西,收银员说:“你只需要付一个的钱。”我当场傻眼。

4. 我去参加英语口语比赛,结果我说的是:“I want to go to the bathroom.” 结果评委问我:“Why?”。我当时只能回答:“I just want to go.”

5. 我在机场找厕所,看到一个标志写着“Men”,我以为是“Monday to Friday”的缩写,结果走进去一看,全是男人,我当时真是惊呆了。
