- 1、求英语笑话,不要长,好玩就行,最好六年级的孩子能读得懂
- 2、英语幽默小故事
- 3、七年级英语笑话
- 4、初一英语笑话小故事精选
- 5、英语幽默小故事7篇
- 6、英语幽默小故事16篇_英语趣味小故事
一:She Didnt Say Anything A mother and son were washing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the room. Suddenly, there was a crash of breaking dishes, then complete silence.The girl looked at her father and said, “It was Mom”。
She is the one who sells the candy.好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”“她是个卖糖果的。
某日刘虹宏涛来到外宾,就上前搭话曰:"iam hongtao liu .”外宾曰:"我还他妈的是方 块七呢。"食堂的师傅估计是失恋了,因为我发现新更换的菜单别有一番风景:销魂藕片、断肠人拍黄 瓜、小胖拉皮、追忆扁豆、黯然豆腐丝、纯情木须肉。我正在陪5岁的女儿下跳棋。
1、幽默风趣的英语小故事 篇一 The miser and his gold Once upon a time there was a miser。 He hid his gold under a tree。 Every week he used to dig it up。 One night a robber stole all the gold。 When the miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole。
2、Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went inone ear and out the other, so I am trying to stop it.“孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗?”“没有,老师。
3、英语幽默小故事1 My husband,Michael,a bus driver,was passing a deserted bus stop when one of his passengers called out that a woman wanted to get on. He pulled up to the curb and opened the doors. 我丈夫,麦克是个开大巴士的。
5、有关3分钟幽默英语小故事篇一 狗也知道这个谚语吗 The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.一个小男孩非常不喜欢狗狂叫的样子。
初一水平的英语小笑话篇1 最喜欢哪种鸟 In class, the teacher showed pictures of various birds.课堂上,老师在展示各种各样鸟的图片。
A: Do you know ? I used to shoot the tiger in africa.B: nonsense! There is no tigers in africa.A: Yes, you are right, because the tiger had been shot.译文:A:你知道吗?我以前在非洲射杀老虎。B:胡说!非洲没有老虎。A:对,你说的没错,因为老虎都被我射杀了。
以下是几则简单的英语小笑话,让我们用轻松的方式理解英语中的双关和幽默。 汤姆的迟到借口让人忍俊不禁:他说每当他在街角看到一个写着School-Go Slow(学校慢行)的路标时,就不禁放慢脚步,因此常常迟到。这个笑话展示了英语中利用双关语制造幽默。
Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛)them!斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。
Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛)them!斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。
原发布者:乐图数据 一个简单易懂的英语笑话 篇一:简单英语小笑话 heisreallysomebody --myunclehas1000menunderhim. --heisreallysomebody.whatdoeshedo? --Amaintenancemaninacemetery. 他真是一个大人物 --我叔叔下面有1000个人。 --他真是一个大人物。干什么的? --墓地守墓人。
幽默风趣的英语小故事 篇一 The miser and his gold Once upon a time there was a miser。 He hid his gold under a tree。 Every week he used to dig it up。 One night a robber stole all the gold。 When the miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole。
英语幽默小故事1 My husband,Michael,a bus driver,was passing a deserted bus stop when one of his passengers called out that a woman wanted to get on. He pulled up to the curb and opened the doors. 我丈夫,麦克是个开大巴士的。
Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛)them!斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。
原发布者:乐图数据 一个简单易懂的英语笑话 篇一:简单英语小笑话 heisreallysomebody --myunclehas1000menunderhim. --heisreallysomebody.whatdoeshedo? --Amaintenancemaninacemetery. 他真是一个大人物 --我叔叔下面有1000个人。 --他真是一个大人物。干什么的? --墓地守墓人。
英语笑话(一)Q: Whats the difference between a monkey and a flea?A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea cant have monkeys.猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。
小男孩迈克的故事 Mike is a little boy. He is only five years old. He is too small to go to school. So he can not read and write.迈克是一个小男孩,他只有5岁。他太小了,还不能上学,因此也不会读和写。
英语幽默小故事1 My husband,Michael,a bus driver,was passing a deserted bus stop when one of his passengers called out that a woman wanted to get on. He pulled up to the curb and opened the doors. 我丈夫,麦克是个开大巴士的。
英语笑话(一)Q: Whats the difference between a monkey and a flea?A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea cant have monkeys.猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。
英语笑话(一) Q: Whats the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea cant have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。
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