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发布时间:2024-01-28 17:16:04 讲笑话 0次 作者:04笑话网



有一天小明不小心走路撞到一个外国人,他不好意思的说:「I am sorry.」  「I am sorry,too.」外国人回答。  「I am sorry three.」小明马上回道。  「What are you sorry for?」外国人问。  「I am sorry five…」小明说。



Mike is a boy.He is from America.He is outgoing.He likes play basketball.So he wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.He loves his mom very much.He ofen helps his mom to do housework in his free time.He always does the dishes and washes clothes.When in his mom's birthday party,he often gives his mom gifts.His mom is very happy.


A tiger caught a Deer.一只老虎抓到一头鹿

The tiger plans to eat the deer, so the deer screamed: " you can't eat me"老虎打算吃了这头鹿.鹿急忙大叫:“你不能吃我?”

The tiger hesitated, feeling very strange, so he asked the deer: " why can't i eat you? 老虎一楞,感到很奇怪,于是问鹿:“为什么我不能吃你?”

The deer said:" Because im a protected second class animal in the country, so, no matter what you can't eat me !" 鹿说:“因为我是国家二级保护动物,所以,你无论如何也不能吃了我!”

The tiger after hearing what the deer said, laughed and said " haha, then i should really eat you ! 老虎听完笑着说:“呵呵,那么我更应该要吃你了

Deer asked : " why ?" 鹿说:“为什么?”

" because im a first class protected animal in the country" Tiger proudly said “因为我是国家一级动物!”老虎得意地说。
