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发布时间:2024-01-31 18:59:24 讲笑话 0次 作者:04笑话网



talk在对话用talk to/with sb 还可以做谈论某事,talk about sth tell 可以做讲笑话,讲谎话,讲故事等常用短语 tell sb to do sth


tell a story to sb造句?

1.Tell a joke or story to cheer a coworker, which will have the same effect on you.讲笑话或故事让同事开心起来,这对你也会产生同样的效果。

2.If youre describing a person, for example, you could tell a story to illustrate why you like him/ her.例如,如果你要描述一个人,你可以讲一个故事说明为什么你喜欢他/她。

3.For example, 'to build a harmonious society' is a goal, but you have to tell a story to convey this idea instead of simply putting those words on a banner.举个例子,‘建设和谐社会’是一个目标,但你得讲述一个故事来传递这个理念,而不是直接把这句话写在横幅上。

tell of与tell区别?

答:二者区别是: tell之后常接表示人的名词或代词。 tell of后接谈到的事情或内容。表示提起某事。

 例句辨析: tell:1、In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over. 晚上我回来告诉菲莉丝我们之间完了。

2、His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke. 他的朋友们说,以前他讲笑话总是张嘴就来。

3、A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction. 一个过路人叫那个司机把他的车挪一挪,免得挡道。 

tell of: 1、Tell of a turning point in your career and what you learned. 讲述你职业生涯一个转折点,以及你学到了什么。 

2、I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds. 我以主耶和华为我的避难所,好叫我述说你一切的作为。

 3、Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. 要向他唱诗歌颂,谈论他一切奇妙的作为。
